Welcome to purplearth, home of Obbie Z and RoZ.

A Different Reality is an entertaining and
thought-provoking audio zine to promote a sustainable civilization.
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If you use "podcasting" software or a news reader, use these files to keep up-to-date on the latest broadcast from our studios. |
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#602 - After Mardi Gras
March 31, 2006
We've already done two shows on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast since last summer's hurricanes and floods, but we haven't really done a show on the music and culture of the area... as much as we've wanted to. So today we catch up on some of the things that are now going on in that region, and catch up on some more music.
Dial-up, 5.8 MB |
Broadband, 19.6 MB |
#601 - The Money Rant
February 20, 2006
For a civilization to be sustainable, it requires a different attitude about money. In its pure form, money represents consumption of material and labor. So if we learn to reduce our consumption, we also learn how to live on less money.
Dial-up, 2.5 MB |
Broadband, 44 MB |
#508 - The Next Wave
December 3, 2005
Our last show was a reaction to the immediate aftermath of Katrina and the abandonment of the people of New Orleans. In this program we reflect on the horrific and heroic things that have happened since. We'll talk about things that everyday people are doing to take care of each other, the variety of ways we can each take part in the recovery, and the competing visions that are out there for rebuilding and resettling the Gulf coast region....
And shouldn't this parade of hurricanes be enough to motivate our leaders to do something serious about global warming? We'll talk a bit about where they're at with that.
Dial-up, 5.5 MB |
Broadband, 38.4 MB |
#507 - Nyawlins
October 15, 2005
Obbie pays tribute to a city that will never be the same. Then we review what happened, how it was widely anticipated but poorly handled, what hope can be derived from the events of early September, and what must be done as we look forward.
Dial-up, 4.8 MB |
Broadband, 90.3 MB |
#506 - Conversations with First Nations
May 8, 2005
When Christopher Columbus arrived at the North American continent from Europe in 1492, he thought he was in India; so when he found people there, he called them "Indians".... For a long time, the original inhabitants of North America were known as "American Indians." Later on, political correctness gave rise to the term "Native Americans".... On a trip across our northern border, we encountered the term "First Nations," the nations who were here first.... That is the term we have adapted into our lexicon. After all, these folks were Ho Chunk, Oneida, and Ojibwa long before they were native "Americans".... We meet and talk with members of the First Nations of the North American Great Lakes region. We talk about preserving their language, culture and way of life. We also discuss the effects of demeaning stereotypes of native people.
Dial-up, 11.2 MB |
Broadband, 82.4 MB |
#505 - Earth Day Reprise
April 30, 2005
This week on A Different Reality, it's a look back at Earth Day 2005..... We meet some random representatives of a new generation of environmentalists, and ask them what it means to BE an environmentalist.... While hanging out at our local Earth Day rally, we meet some government scientists who describe the nature of the Upper Mississippi River bioregion, and how it's different from the way it used to be...... Finally, we talk about what it takes to be car free... which can not only help save the Earth, but it can also save yourSELF a lot of money and stress.
Dial-up, 10.3 MB |
Broadband, 82.4 MB |
#504 - Earth Day
April 23, 2005
This week on A Different Reality, it's Earth Day..... How did all this Earth Day business get started, anyway, and why? Does it mean something more than a community garbage pick-up day?..... After all the rallies and speeches are over with, what can we each DO to make a meaningful difference?.... We'll also have a conversation with Kenn Maly, a professor of philosophy who teaches sustainability as part of an environmental studies program at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse.... Our Earth Day show is this week, on A Different Reality.
Dial-up, 10.3 MB |
Broadband, 82.4 MB |
#503 - Beyond the Beyond
April 15, 2005
We speculate on an Afterlife - since that's all we CAN do - through the worlds of literature, esoterica and spirituality... We muze on the implications of what the scene is like outside the Pearly Gates, if that myth were actually true... We pay tribute to the writing of Hunter S. Thompson, in a piece produced shortly after his suicide in February of 2005... And what the hell is going on in Kyrgyzstan and why? We talk to someone who recently spent several months in Kyrgyzstan to get a picture of what the place is like, and some other things, too... Is there a link between Kyrgyzstan and the Great Beyond? We don't know, but that's where we're going, this week on A Different Reality.
Dial-up, 10.3 MB |
Broadband, 83 MB |
#502 - Turning Dirt into Food
April 8, 2005
We circulate with the largest gathering of organic farmers in North America, discussing GMOs, the meaning of "organic", and other issues facing the organic community.... Then we get advice from a gardening expert on what a beginner can do to turn dirt, dead grass and leaves, and kitchen scraps into fresh organic produce.
Dial-up, 10 MB |
Broadband, 57MB |
#501 - Foundation and Morale
April 1, 2005
Being April Fools' Day, this week's show will celebrate silliness and absurdity, after we spend about 15 minutes discussing the show and laying out the foundation of our agenda...... We hope to have fun with radio as an art form and as a communication tool. We look forward to adding an element of interactivity to the show by bringing our listeners into the conversation in future programs. |
Dial-up, 20 MB |
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