A Different Reality is an entertaining and
thought-provoking audio zine to promote a sustainable civilization.
#508... The Next Wave
Released December 3, 2005
Duration: 32:02
A portion of the mural in the waiting area of the New Orleans train station. |
The Next Wave
Our last show was a reaction to the immediate aftermath of Katrina and the abandonment of the people of New Orleans. In this program we reflect on the horrific and heroic things that have happened since. We'll talk about things that everyday people are doing to take care of each other, the variety of ways we can each take part in the recovery, and the competing visions that are out there for rebuilding and resettling the Gulf coast region.
And shouldn't this parade of hurricanes be enough to motivate our leaders to do something serious about global warming? We'll talk a bit about where they're at with that. |
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Music played on A Different Reality - The Next Wave....
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